Can Good Parenting Prevent Teen Violence

There is a reason that we talk so much about discipline, and child behavior so much. This is because it is important to do as good a job in parenting as possible in hoped that it will keep our children on the straight and narrow through childhood and into adulthood. But can all the parenting in the world prevent some of the bad teen issues we are seeing in the news right now. News of gang rapes, rapes in middle schools, setting children on fire, and girl on girl beatings are the extreme in bad teenage behavior. Whenever I see … Continue reading

Self-defense Parties

Have you heard about the newest craze in teen parties? Self-defense or personal protection parties are fast becoming popular among the teen set, for those wishing to learn how to protect themselves against an aggressor. Geared mainly for females, participants are taught self-defense in the comfort of their own homes. Partygoers are taught how to kick, punch and use their voices as weapons. The Girl Scouts are also helping young women learn about self-defense in a program called P.A.V.E. the Way (Project Anti-Violence Education). This nationwide program addresses violence and violence-prevention. It focuses on important issues including bullying, Internet safety … Continue reading