Author Interview – Richard M. Dudum

Yesterday I reviewed a book entitled “What Your Mother Never Told You.” Today I am joined by Richard Dudum, author of that book. Richard, thank you for taking time out of your schedule to be here. Your book is specifically geared toward teenage girls. Have you written or do you plan to write a book for teenage boys? Many of the issues covered in “What Your Mother Never Told You – A Survival Guide For Teenage Girls” are not gender specific. Both boys and girls can benefit from the book’s contents. At the same time, boys may feel a bit … Continue reading

What Your Mother Never Told You: a Survival Guide for Teenage Girls – Richard M. Dudum

Our teenagers today are facing more pressure, more trials than ever before, and author Richard M. Dudum wants to give our daughters a clear, unmistakable message: you don’t have to conform to anyone else’s idea of what you should be. You can decide for yourself if you’re going to get involved in drugs, if you’re going to have sex, if you’re going to play into the social games. He does this in his new book, “What Your Mother Never Told You,” and he does it in down-to-earth language that can’t be misinterpreted. Several different topics are covered in this book, … Continue reading

Cheerleading – America’s Dangerous Sport

Let me preface this article with the fact that my daughter takes cheerleading classes, not cheerleading like you see at high school events or even in the movie: Bring It On. Her cheerleading is more of the cute variety where she swings her arms, stomps her feet, says a quick cheer and maybe does a cartwheel or two. Yet, a couple of months ago there was an article in the New York Times that stated cheerleading had become the most perilous of high school and collegiate sports. According to the article, female high school and collegiate athletes sustained 104 catastrophic … Continue reading