Family Home Evening: Bible Stories

This week’s family home evening lesson is loosely based on “The Miracle of the Holy Bible” by Elder M Russell Ballard. You may want to take time to read this talk and highlight any specific portions that you want to cover with your children. Additionally you may want to spend some time preparing your children for conference. You may want to emphasize that the stories and counsel given in conference are just the same as when the prophets in the Bible spoke to the people of their time. You may also want to ask your children to come prepared to … Continue reading

Amazing Blind Teen Uses Echolocation to “SEE” — Watch the Video Clip!

If you haven’t come across this news story yet, you’re likely to hear a whole lot about it soon. Not only has Ben Underwood been featured on CBS News, but he’s also been highlighted in a story in PEOPLE magazine. My prediction is that, like Jason McElwain before him, this kid might just make an appearance on Oprah Winfrey. Stay tuned. Ben Underwood, who is now fourteen years old, lost both his eyes to cancer as a toddler. He now has two artificial eyes, made of plastic. But his disability hasn’t stopped him from living a very normal life. If … Continue reading

Suicide By Cop–The Death of An 18 Year Old.

Last week in the neighborhood my oldest children grew up, the police shot and killed and 18-year-old, high school football star. The police shot him four times in the back, after attempting to control him with bean bag shots. The young man turned to run back into his parent’s home, while holding a knife. The police were afraid this young man would hurt someone in the home. They had no choice but to protect his family. A few days later the 911 calls were released to the media. His mother had called at 4:00 a.m. and told the dispatch 911 … Continue reading

When Does A Child Become A Teenager?

It used to be that a teenager was a child whose age ended with the suffix “teen”. Yet today many parents are finding that their 10 and 11 year olds are acting like teenagers. In today’s technology world children are bombarded with adult information from the television, Internet, and movies. These influences along with peer groups and environmental pressures are forcing children to grow up faster. Take a look at the girls clothing department and you will see that the fashions mimic those of teenage girls. Yet the cause isn’t completely environmental. A recent study by the American Academy of … Continue reading