Gift Giving for Teens

Black Friday…Cyber Monday.  It’s that time of year, the purchasing of Christmas gifts.  As a parent it can either be a stressful experience or easy-going. Here is something I have come to realize through the years.  You buy more when they are younger.  So that means more thought needs to be put into your children’s gifts.  You buy less as they get older.  But they also tend to be more expensive gifts. There is a part of me that misses shopping for toys.  It has become sort of boring, since the majority of the time my children want money.  Sure, … Continue reading

Fostering Teen Individuality and Independence

We all want to be who we want to be.  Most adults feel this way, so you can only imagine how true this is for teenagers. This is where individuality comes into play.  As parents we have to learn how to foster this.  At the same time, as our teens get older, we also need to foster independence.  They need to be ready for that time in which they leave home. As soon as you try to stifle a teen’s individuality or you don’t allow for healthy growth toward independence, you stand in the way of having a good relationship.  … Continue reading

St. Nick Tradition Continues

Tomorrow is one of my favorite times of the year, St. Nick.  I haven’t decided when my children will be too old for it.  But I can tell you that it’s not this year. With my oldest son in the military, I was originally going to keep everything in his stocking until he comes home for Christmas.  But I decided that instead I would mail him a stocking (not the one from home) filled with goodies. My children enjoy the bounty of candy that fills up their stockings.  But I also get them a gift card.  This year it is … Continue reading

It’s Okay to Be Cool

“Please don’t do that,” famous words that come from my daughter’s mouth whenever I try to be cool or funny.  Or better yet, “Don’t ever do that again.” Despite acting horrified at my attempts to act much younger than I am, there is something that tells me she enjoys it.  Here’s why.  It’s okay when her friend’s parents act cool or goofy. When I question her about this, she says that it’s different.  It’s not her parents.  But if she thinks its okay for other adults to act that way, she must secretly enjoy it when I do. Actually, I … Continue reading

Preparing for Homecoming Weekend

(My Daughter’s Homecoming Dress) This weekend is homecoming weekend. It’s an exciting time for many teens and the parents who get to partake in the excitement. In some ways I feel like I get to live out my high school years through my daughter. I wasn’t allowed to go to homecoming. When I think back to my high school years, I do wish that I had been allowed to go. But getting to share in my daughter’s experience is more than making up for it. There is a lot of thought and planning that goes into this weekend. The first … Continue reading

Those Three Little Letters–M.O.M.

There is nothing like those three little letters, M.O.M. The word mom can convey so much and it may depend on the particular circumstances at hand. For instance, the shrill sound of “MOM!” may cause a chill to pass through you, because it is the sound of your child being hurt or scared. Or it may be that the word mom is shrieked because little brother or sister has taken a toy away. It could also be said with a whine, as your child begins to beg for something. So the reality is that the word mom isn’t always welcomed. … Continue reading

Old-Fashioned Parenting

Since everyone has differing opinions, some might consider my parenting to be old-fashioned. But others might think it’s too lenient. It all depends on what you believe and what makes up your standards. Considering the day and age we live in, I do think that my parenting might be a bit more old-fashioned than what we typically see. I contribute that to lessons learned growing up, my faith and what I have observed in others. The biggest demonstration of this has been our latest adventure, my daughter’s first boyfriend. Thankfully she at least has a respect and appreciation for some … Continue reading

A Notch On My Championship Parenting Belt

I am having a flashback to a conversation I had on my daughter’s last day of middle school. I was talking to her 2nd grade teacher and we were laughing about moments he had experienced with her. He was her very first teacher because I had homeschooled her through 1st grade. She was extremely shy and quiet, hardly ever talked. She has been that way through most of her time at that school. We were both reflecting on how fast time had flown by with her now entering high school. Then he remarked how his daughter (who is now grown) … Continue reading

Preparing for the Battle, Gearing Up for the War

When my children were younger, I really thought I knew how I was going to parent them as teenagers. I observed other parents and saw much of what I thought was “wrong.” Sure, I saw some good examples but I was convinced that parenting with strictness was the only way to go. Well let me tell you something, most of what I thought when they were younger has completely gone out the window. And even though my children will probably still tell you that I am “strict,” they have no idea what it could have been. If I had decided … Continue reading

The Dilemma of Friends Spending the Night

There is an interesting dilemma taking place in our home with regard to my children’s friends. I always enjoy having them over and sometimes spending the night. I definitely prefer everyone hanging out here, where I can keep a better eye on things. But recently the issue of having friends sleep over has changed a bit. My youngest son, who is in 7th grade, has friends that are either in his grade or 8th. A couple of those guy friends (who are in 8th grade) are also friends with my 9th grade daughter. I have no problem with her hanging … Continue reading