The Silence of Relationships

I am beginning to see a disturbing trend in my teens, something that will require diligent effort to change. It is silence. Now you might think that is actually a good thing but it really isn’t…I will explain why. The silence I am talking about is the silence of relationships. Gone are the days of talking on the telephone for hours on end. Friendships have now become more “technologically advanced.” Actually, I think technology hasn’t advanced relationships; it has diminished them in many ways. Let me give you some examples. Take my 12-year-old son whose best friend lives close by. … Continue reading

Renowned Child Psychiatrist Talks About Teens (and Parents) Texting

I recently received an invitation to interview renowned child psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy who is the Medical Director for the Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services. Dr. Sophy has also made feature appearances on television’s “Celebrity Rehab.” After submitting my questions about teens and texting I received a video response. It enlightened me to a few things about teens and texting that I had not really thought about before. The first thing that really hit me was how statistics show that half of parents are texting while driving. My first thought was, “How could parents do that?” … Continue reading

Cool Text Phrases

Do you know some of the most common text messaging shortcuts and phrases? If you are a parent, the answer is probably not. It seems like new phrases are popping up by the sec (second). If you want to text with your kids, or just keep up with them, it is important to know the language. As an added bonus, knowing some of these phrases can help you understand what your child is talking about with his or her friends (or strangers!) Here is a list of some of the common phases, along with their meanings. Be the coolest parent … Continue reading