Updating Textured Ceilings

If you don’t like your textured ceilings, you’re not alone. Many people are interested in a more updated look for their homes. The problem is that textured ceilings can present many challenges. Here are some options that should prove helpful: Scraping You can attempt to scrape away the textured material from your ceilings. This is the most affordable method of updating this look, but be aware that it is also messy, labor intensive, and time consuming. Another problem arises if you don’t know what is under that texture. The ceiling may be damaged or unattractive, and it may in fact … Continue reading

Improving Textured Ceilings

Do you have “cottage cheese ceilings” in your home? If you do, you may not be thrilled with them. The idea was a good one in its day, and it worked well to cover imperfections and seams, but it just isn’t a favored look any more. If you have textured ceilings and you aren’t able to replace them right now, there are a few things you can do to make them more attractive for the time being. Removing Dust Textured ceilings are notorious for being dust collectors. The rough texture is prone to holding dust in place. Unfortunately, cleaning the … Continue reading