Thank Your Kids Now and Again

As parents and role models, we want our children to learn how to say “thank you” and “please” and use other modes of good manners. Many of us also want to foster a sense of appreciation and gratitude in our children and help them learn how to let people know that they are thankful for help and such. In the process of doing all this, it is important that we parents remember that we can model appreciation and let our children know that we are grateful for the things they do by remembering to tell them “thank you” now and … Continue reading

Can You Ever Say “Thank You” Enough?

It has been a while since I have talked about the importance of saying “Thank You” in our home businesses. In fact, while it may seem incredibly obvious, often a simple “thank you” is nice but it is not enough. The more opportunities we find to thank our customers and clients, the more we may be able to inspire loyalty and a solid working relationship. Of course it IS important to say “thank you” after a meeting or a sale, but it is also important to find other ways to say “thank you” to someone for being a customer or … Continue reading

Be Sure to Say “Thanks” when They do What they Should!

Do not underestimate the power of a well-placed “Thank you!” when it comes to parenting your child. You might be surprised how much of an effect a genuine and heartfelt nod of appreciation can have on your child. As long as you don’t abuse it, remembering to say thanks and show appreciation when your child does something he or she is supposed to do—can go a long way in making the fluke turn into habit. We parents spend so much time telling our children what we want them to do, what they should and shouldn’t do, and what we would … Continue reading

Say “Thank You” with Postcards

It has been a while since I have written about the important of saying “Thank you” to customers, clients, and prospects. It can sometimes seem daunting trying to figure out the best and most efficient way to say “thanks” and show appreciation without breaking the bank. Postcards can be a handy and cost-efficient way to do just that very thing. I recently received a postcard from a business I frequented that had a picture of the proprietor standing in front of her business on the front, and then a brief handwritten note of thanks on the back. I thought it … Continue reading

Teacher Appreciation Week: Hats off to Ms. Diaz

I am going to cheat a little or maybe it isn’t cheating, but I asked Karri if she’d mind whether I posted my teacher appreciation letters here in Education this week and she was gracious enough to allow me the latitude. Today is May 8, 2007 and the theme for today at my daughter’s school for Teacher Appreciation is Letter Day from Parent. This is my letter to Erin Diaz, mother of three and my daughter’s Kindergarten teacher. Dear Erin I can’t tell you how lucky and blessed I feel that you were Cassidy’s teacher this year. From the first … Continue reading

Accentuate the Positive: Start Today

In a recent article, Four Tips for a Healthy Marriage, I asked this question: “Do we look for and mention the positive things our spouses do and say, or are we often too quick to make note of the negative?” It is important to discuss differences. I’m not suggesting otherwise, but being quick to find fault without taking the time to notice the good things our mates say and do as well, can lead to resentment and bitterness. It’s wise to remember that constructive criticism works better and it works best when applied along with other positive, more complimentary statements. … Continue reading

To My Valentine

If you do nothing else this Valentine’s Day with your spouse, how about just jotting a note of things you appreciate about them? The following is mine to my husband: To My Husband, Rather than finding a card that best describes my feelings for you, I thought it would be better to dedicate this blog to you instead. This Valentine’s Day will be the twelfth we’ve spent together. Here are some of the things I really love about you: You don’t make a big deal about anything. You help out around the house. You get on the floor and play … Continue reading

Methamphetamine Exposure in Babies

In our state alone, methamphetamine is a contributing factor to at least 60 percent of the children in our foster care system. It is even higher in some states! This is awful news in and of itself, but once you learn more about the direct effects it can have in children, it’s even more devastating. For a pregnant woman using meth, her 20 minute high can become a 72 hour high for the baby! Consider what’s happening while the little baby is developing. Meth affects the neurological system in addition to the formation of the rest of the body. Some … Continue reading

What’s the Magic Word? NOW!

When that line first came up in the Addams Family movie, I remember laughing hysterically. Wednesday asked for something and Gomez said and what do we say? And she said “NOW” as opposed to the please. The use of the word ‘please’ is something we drill into our children. It’s how we teach them to make pleasant requests as opposed to demands. Demanding Natures All babies are born demanding. They have no other way to be. If they are hungry, they demand to be fed. If they are tired, they demand to be comforted and put down for sleep. If … Continue reading

Say Thank You During Teacher Appreciation Week

The first full week in May, this week, has been set aside by the National PTA as teacher appreciation week. It’s a great time to evaluate how much you know about your child’s school. See how well you answer the following questions: When was the last time you walked inside your child’s school? Have you spoken to your child’s teacher lately? Do you know the principal’s name? Do you know your child’s school schedule? Have you said thank you to your child’s teacher? If you were unsure about any of the above then now’s a great time to get involved. … Continue reading