Taking God For Granted

A common problem in many relationships at time is that of taking the other person for granted. You can even carry this into your relationship with the Lord. Are You taking God for granted? Being thankful is a solution to this. In 2 Kings 5 we read that Naaman heard about the prophet in Israel. According to the slave girl, who was maid to Naaman’s wife, this prophet could heal even leprosy. Naaman thought he could purchase healing and so sent gifts to the king of Israel who decided he was trying to pick a quarrel with him. Elisha heard … Continue reading


I woke up this morning feeling grand waves of appreciation. It is definitely not always the case–most mornings I struggle to get my eyes open so I can get in the shower and get myself going and the rest of the house. While I have learned how to focus more on appreciation over the years, it has been a concerted effort–relearning how to see the glass as half-full instead of cracked and leaking. I have met other single parents who used to think of themselves as optimistic but since becoming single parents find it more of a challenge. This morning, … Continue reading

I Am So Thankful for All of the Animal Lovers Out There

Appropriately enough, November, the month that harbors Thanksgiving, is “I Am So Thankful Month.” I’m a big believer in the power of gratitude. I didn’t always used to be that way though. What I Used to Think of Thanksgiving Once upon a time I thought Thanksgiving was the absolute most boring holiday imaginable. So what if the Pilgrims and Indians came together and had a feast? Big deal. What did that matter in our modern world? In my eyes, the only redeemable quality about the Thanksgiving holiday was the four-day weekend. What Thanksgiving Means to Me Now But in 1999, … Continue reading

Gratitude Trees

I’m on a mission to create gratitude in my children. My husband and I work very hard to provide them with a happy childhood, clean clothes, a warm house, food, and even fun toys. Sometimes though, I think we are doing too good of a job, because they sure don’t seem to appreciate it. Years ago, I read Simple Abundance. The author, Sarah Ban Breathnach, suggested that every night you write down five things you are grateful for. They didn’t have to be big things, they could be a cup of hot tea, or finding a parking space, or a … Continue reading

I’m Not Sorry, I’m Thankful

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I’m sorry,” when someone has found that I’m a single parent. Well, I’m not sorry. It was disappointing that things didn’t turn out as I had envisioned them, but I don’t regret the decisions I have made. I don’t feel sorry for myself or my situation and neither should anyone else. No singe parent should feel that way. What should happen is for them to rise to the occasion, and better themselves from it. Some wonderful things have come from my situation and I am thankful for them. I have never … Continue reading

Being Sick

A week prior to this writing I became very sick with the flu then a double ear infection. During this bout of misery I was trying to imagine what good could be found in feeling the way I did—like I said I was sick and probably not thinking clearly. As dramatic as it sounds, I started to wonder the “what-ifs” and think about my children being without a mother and my husband being without a wife. Then I had to snap back to reality and remind myself, I was just sick, I was not dying! While I was lying in … Continue reading

10 Reasons I’m Thankful I’m Homeschooling

I know (or at least I hope) you’re not doing any home schooling today. Today is a day to be thankful for what we have and to enjoy those we love. But just in case you find your way to the computer after all the dishes are done, here are my top ten reasons that I’m thankful to be home schooling: #1. I enjoy my kids. I like being around them–even 24/7. I think they are fun and we do fun things together but truth be told the real reason I like being around them is that they offer a … Continue reading