What Would You Say?

In yesterday’s article, I asked how your weekend was and then told you about mine. I’m going to ask you to think about that question again. How was your weekend? Jade left a comment about what she and her beau did over the weekend. She said leaf peeping and movies, but also something else I thought was very important: “…and generally just enjoyed being together.” I wonder if she made sure to thank her man? I’m asking because yesterday I explained how Wayne did something that salvaged both my mood and the weekend. When I kissed him goodbye yesterday morning, … Continue reading

What Can you be Grateful for Today?

Gratitude has become a trendy catch-phrase in the self-help world. We have all heard about how we can foster gratitude and appreciation in our personal and family areas of our lives but maybe you have not really thought of how it could help you stay motivated and interested in your home business. What can you be grateful for today in your small business and work world? It is no secret that celebrating the positives can be a great mood booster and motivator. Many of us have tried our hand at affirmations, prayer, and self-encouragement in other areas of our lives. … Continue reading

Helping Your Child with “Thank You” Notes to the Other Family

It has always been hard enough getting myself and my children motivated to “do thank you notes” after the holidays, but for single parents, it might be even tougher working on those notes to former in-laws and extended family members that belong to your child’s “other” family. Not only can motivation be a challenge, but figuring out just what to say and remaining neutral and supportive of your child can be hard too… This is one of those times when we have to focus on the child and what is best for his character development, self-esteem and comfort level. I … Continue reading

Escaping the Trap of the Narcissistic Mother

In Dealing with a Narcissistic Mother, we looked at how 39-year-old Elinor was still caught up in a desperate game of trying to win the love and approval of her mother, who suffered from Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When Elinor came in for therapy she was sad, slightly depressed and full of rage for a mother who just could not give her the love and approval that Elinor wanted. Although Elinor had a loving husband, and two wonderful children, she was not happy. This is not unusual when basic childhood needs such as love and approval have not been delivered to … Continue reading

Thank You Families.com

As Thanksgiving is approaching, I’ve been reflecting on all the things that I’m thankful for. Since Families.com has given me the opportunity to blog for them, I’ve begun experiencing so much blessing and growth in my spiritual life. Thank you Families.com for giving me a space here to share my heart and love for others through my blogs. I am a stay-at-home-mom. Being my husband was the only one employed; it meant there wasn’t as much play money as there used to be. When Lisa offered me a blogging position, it meant not only getting a few extra dollars for … Continue reading

Marrying Your Best Friend

I recall helping an older lady bring groceries out to her car in the parking lot of our neighborhood supermarket I’d been working at. I was chit-chatting with her and I made mention of my upcoming wedding date. She was full of joy for me sharing that she and her husband had been married over 50 years. She volunteered that their secret to 50 years of happiness together was that they were each other’s best friend. I grew up having a best friend that I still love and keep contact with to this day. I know this lady was talking … Continue reading

In Honor of Mother’s Day: Mother-Son Day Trips

In honor of Mother’s Day I wrote the blog: “Mother-Daughter Vacations” offering activities specifically tailored to promote female bonding. For example, a mother and daughter tea party, a day at the spa, etc. I ended the blog by promising to share ideas specifically designed for mothers and sons. And with Mother’s Day just around the corner, I must make good on that promise. Easier said than done. I am a mother, but I have yet to give birth to a son. And while I am married to a son and have three brothers, I struggled to come up with any … Continue reading