Is Menstrual Suppression Risky?

You’ve seen the ads, a smiling, peppy and attractive woman skips merrily about her day. She smiles at the camera and says, “Who says you have to have a monthly period?” To which to my husband’s amusement, I shout, “Uh, nature?” Sometimes, after the commercial has appeared for the seventh time in one half-hour program, I’ll switch it up with my vocabulary, but you get the point. Menstrual suppression occurs when a woman takes hormones (usually extra birth control pills) to suppress her natural menstrual cycle, eliminating most of her periods. Normal birth control includes a week of placebo pills … Continue reading

The PMS Pill for Men

If I was going to invent something for the good of mankind I know exactly what it would be: a pill for men that would let them experience all of our worst PMS symptoms. I don’t know if your husband does it to you, ladies, but when it’s that time of month for me mine can’t understand why I’m tried, why I hurt, or why I suffer such extreme mood swings. It’s understandable. It’s human nature. You can’t possibly know how bad something is until you’ve endured it yourself. Well, with PMS men have absolutely no way of ever experiencing … Continue reading