Finding the One You Can’t Live Without

Finding your life partner can be somewhat of a challenging quest. Some people are lucky enough to know from the very beginning that they have found that special one and only. Others are not so certain from the beginning. The knowing comes later. Others feel that they know only to be very disappointed later in life. For these reasons, I am always very excited when I hear advice or quotes on finding your true love. Wow what powerful words that I found in a forum comment! Loving Jesus in AZ had a wonderful comment to a question about reasons why … Continue reading

Do You Question Your Mate’s Past?

I can remember one episode of Roseanne when Jackie was trying to decide what to tell her boyfriend about her past sexual history and experiences. Roseanne suggested that she tell him a lower number than really existed. She also stated that men usually raise their number to try to be impressive. I then began thinking about the differences that are placed on males and females when it comes to sexual history. Through all stages of life it seems that it is much more acceptable for males to be taking part in sexual activities than for females. However if I am … Continue reading