The Sneaky Mama’s Hot Breakfast on a Cold Morning: Pumpkin Oatmeal

I have mentioned before how the Sneaky Mama loves baked oatmeal. It is a great way to get your kids to eat oatmeal and oatmeal is packed with oodles of nutritional gems. This morning it is rather cold and rainy and so, as you may have guessed by now, we are having oatmeal. But in our house, if I make plain oatmeal I might as well make it and then throw it on the floor because certainly, that’s what my children will be doing! (Well, at least the toddlers. . .the older ones do know a little better. . .) … Continue reading

The Sneaky Mama and the Quintessential Smoothie: Getting Your Kids to Drink Their Fruits and Veggie

In the Sneaky Mama’s last blog, we talked about a few tricks to get the seriously picky eater to eat more fruits and veggies. If your eater is just moderately picky, he’ll willingly (or with light coaxing) try new foods. If you consistently offer new foods, eventually he will come around and eat something besides dinosaur chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese. However, the seriously picky eater is one who gags, chokes or spews new foods. My daughter is one such seriously picky eater, and if you ask her if she’s ever had a fruit or vegetable she’ll say, “No … Continue reading