Those Little Things Do Matter

Sometimes in marriage it’s not the big earth shattering events that become the problem. Yes, I have heard of marriages that fall apart because of major events like illness, the death of child, dealing with infertility or with a disabled child, but other times it is the little things that build up over the course of a day or week or longer which cause the problem. . The other day was one of those days where things continually went wrong. You know the kind I mean, where you forget things or things slip through your hands and shatter on the … Continue reading

The Way You Treat Your Spouse

The way you treat your spouse can affect more than your spouse. It could affect the next generation and even future generations. One marriage quote I like and can really see the sense of is ‘Don’t worry that children never listen to you; worry that they are always watching you,’ Robert Fulghum. And this one : ‘The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother,’ Theodore Hesburgh You and you spouse can influence each other’s character a little as you live together. It is even truer that as parents we can have a … Continue reading