How to Protect Your Home While You’re Away

Leaving your home alone for any length of time, whether it is a day or a month can be a nerve wracking experience. How do you know that thieves won’t break in to your home while you are gone? Here are some tips on how to protect your home while you’re away. The best way to protect your home while you are away is to make it appear as though it is occupied, even when it is not. If thieves think that you are home, then chances are pretty good that they will not break into your home. Contact a … Continue reading

What to do About Copy Cats?

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but when it comes to your home business, you might not take so kindly (or be so flattered) by someone who is copying your operation. Whether it is your products or your services, or your logo, web site, etc. having someone else come along and try to copy or imitate what you are doing can be an aggravation and a challenge. It is important to differentiate between copying and theft. If someone actually “lifts” content, photos, etc. from your web site–that is really theft and not being a copy cat. … Continue reading

Travel Warning: Hide Your GPS Units

What car thieves really want is a free set of wheels, but apparently they will settle for expensive GPS units. Just ask my neighbor. He was parked on a busy street, in a well-lit area and ran into a store to pick up a box of battery packs. When he returned less than 15 minutes later he found his car had been hacked into and his $750 GPS unit was gone. Yes, you could wag your finger and make the comment that he shouldn’t have left the unit exposed in his vehicle. But he figured he was in a well-traveled … Continue reading

What Car Thieves Really Want From Your Vehicle

I’ve written about car theft in previous blogs, but have never touched on the fact that some thieves are just as happy stealing parts of your car as they are driving away with the entire set of wheels. Most of us think that the criminals are after our car stereos and other high tech gear, but according to the American Automobile Association, these days car thieves are after certain parts located underneath your vehicle. Experts from the popular auto club say thieves are after your car’s catalytic converter. You may not know what it looks like, but you would certainly … Continue reading

What to Do When Your Checkbook Is Stolen

I know someone who left her purse in the car, while she went in to an aerobics class at her gym. She came out an hour and a half later to find that her car had been broken into, and her purse stolen. She had the checkbook and her credit cards in the purse. She immediately called and began the process of reporting the incident to the police, and to her bank. She later found out that in that 90 minutes they had managed to spend thousands of dollars. It seems this theft was completed by a group who split … Continue reading

The Rescuer – Dee Henderson

It’s with a measure of sadness that I review this last book of the O’Malley series by Dee Henderson and say goodbye to this remarkable family. The only thing that will make me feel better is if you promise to read every one of them, and soon. Stephen is the only member of the family that has not yet converted to Christianity or settled down. A firefighter for years, he changed jobs and has been a paramedic for most of his career, competent in his profession and caring with the patients. Meghan is a nurse in the ER who has … Continue reading