A Thief in the Garage

Have you ever heard of the proverbial thief in the henhouse? Well in our home it is a little different. We have a thief in the garage. My eldest son has been religiously collecting acorns practically wherever he goes. He spends part of his precious outdoor school recess time collecting them from the playground. He stops on walks to collect them. He visits botanical gardens and searches for any that the gardeners might have missed. His goal, he tells me, is to plant an entire stand of oak trees once spring comes and the ground thaws. Of course, I am … Continue reading

Jumped by Pickpockets

Everyone traveled all over the world in my office. Three of my colleagues had told me of incidents they had experienced with pickpockets in Paris. I was in Paris at least once a month and I was careful, or at least I thought I was. During this time, my wife, two of our grown children, and I flew to Paris from Houston. In those days, we had a lot of frequent flyer miles. We arrived early in the day and checked into our hotel. We immediately set out to see the sights. We were walking in a tunnel between two … Continue reading

A Thief-Proof “Screaming” Cellphone

Save your voice. If your cellphone is snatched by a thief it will do the screaming for you. A new service launched yesterday is designed to deter cellphone theft by equipping mobile phones with an ear-piercing scream. Better yet, the screaming won’t stop unless the battery is removed. If you have ever had your cellphone snatched you know what an incredible invention this is. You can thank a British cellphone manufacturer called Sychronica for the new technology. According to their website, the company develops and markets synchronization and device management solutions for mobile operators, device manufacturers, and enterprises. Which of … Continue reading

Our Own Terrorist Aboard

It’s without hesitation we take this day to remember the victims of 9/11 and pray for their families. I hope these last 5 years have brought a sense of newness and found strength to those who’ve endured tragedy. May the arms of God surround you today. Inspired by our pastor’s sermon, I’d like to further elaborate about a terrorist we all have on board our own lives. An enemy that would prefer us to remain seated and calm while he takes over, keeping us ineffective for Christ, destroying as much as possible. This enemy is real. As we live our … Continue reading