Are You Expecting the Future to be Just Like the Past?

One of the thinking errors we single parents can be guilty of is relying so much on our experiences and our past history and trying to use it to predict the future. This can get us into a place where we expect that things will always stay the same or because we have one (or more) “failed” relationships, lost jobs, personal struggles—then we will definitely have more in the future. Using our past experiences as a means to try to predict the future can get us stuck and get us into trouble with our self-esteem and optimism. I know that … Continue reading

Side Effects of Attachment Disorders (Part 6) Thinking Errors

Children with attachment disorders will often draw an incorrect conclusion. The changes in caregivers and lack of control the child has had over their lives causes many children to become emotionally isolated. There is no one who has always been a part of their lives, and there are huge raps in what the child has learned along the way. A child with an attachment disorder has never experienced a close enough relationship where modeling would have played a big part in the child’s development. There has been abusive, neglectful and just different changes in their lifetime. Perceptions about the world … Continue reading