What do You View as Threats?

I generally try to focus on the positive aspects of running a home business and looking for ways to take risks and move forward in growing our business operations. But, it would be naïve of me not to also mention that there can be some very real threats that can inhibit our ability to do business and work at growing our home businesses. For many of us, we need to be able to identify what are the real threats and which are the ones that we are imagining to be larger than they are? The reason that I want to … Continue reading

How Do You Punish Your Spouse for Bad Behavior?

Do you even punish your spouse for bad behavior? I’m not talking about major felonies, but minor misdemeanors. The times when they’re being PIAs (Pain in the A–) as my friend Roxanne likes to say. In 20 plus years of marriage can you believe it wasn’t until last week that it even occurred to me I had the power to punish Wayne? (By “power” I mean a threat I could wield to make him snap back in line.) The “Do” that Ignited the First Shot It all started in the morning. I guess I woke up with a wild hair … Continue reading

Why Threats and Ultimatums Don’t Work

I used to be the queen of ultimatums. When my children were little, they still had some bite to them since we were all still getting to know each other and my kids seemed to have shorter attention spans. If I lost my cool and said something like, “We’re never going to the park (store, restaurant, zoo, etc.) again!” even if it FELT like I meant it at the time, I could feel myself regretting having said it as soon as it spewed out of my mouth! We may think that issuing threats and ultimatums give us power and control … Continue reading