Frugal Living Week in Review: July 21st Through July 27th

We have a lot of articles on food this week, from saving money on cereal to the best time to grocery shop. Please check them out and let me know if there are any particular topics or knowledge that you would like to read about. July 21st Frugal Living Week in Review: July 14th Through July 20th What is your biggest frugal pet peeve? Is it other people who waste things? Is it the price of food? I’d love to hear from you for a future blog post. Meanwhile, in the words of Ricky Ricardo, I have some “splainin” to … Continue reading

Free Food and Entertainment

On Friday we hit the jackpot in free family food and entertainment, thanks to our community. Taking advantage of local activities can be a fun way to become involved with your neighbors, learn new things about where you live and have some fun frugally! We happen to be pretty lucky to be able to live in the area that we do. Before living frugally, we might have passed up some of the free community activities that are available. But knowing how much fun they can be now, there is no going back. If you have any of these types of … Continue reading

5 Ways to Save on Cereal

The cost per serving of cereal is absolutely outrageous right now. It can cost you $4 or even $5 for a box of cereal that may last you a single day. And the boxes are shrinking as the price goes up. Ouch. Here are some ways to save on cereal. Buy generic. While once in a while I do find an off-brand or generic cereal that I can’t stand, for the most part generic cereal is just as good as the name brand expensive stuff. In fact, in a couple of cases, I have found the taste to be even … Continue reading

Six Reasons to Grocery Shop in the Morning 3

Just as the early bird catches the worm, the early grocery shopper can catch the best value for her money. We are in the home stretch now with this series that talks about the very real benefit of doing your grocery shopping in the morning. If you missed those earlier two posts, you can click here to catch up: Six Reasons to Grocery Shop in the Morning and Six Reasons to Grocery Shop in the Morning 2. Now, here are the last two reasons why you can positively affect your grocery bill by shopping early. 5. Have you checked out … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 14th Through July 20th

What is your biggest frugal pet peeve? Is it other people who waste things? Is it the price of food? I’d love to hear from you for a future blog post. Meanwhile, in the words of Ricky Ricardo, I have some “splainin” to do. I am so sorry to have missed posting on Friday or anytime over the weekend. My Internet connection decided to go poof, and it couldn’t be addressed until today. Frugally, it was all repaired free of charge. I am back now with the Frugal Living Week in Review! July 14th Frugal Living Week in Review: July … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: July 7th Through July 13th

Do you find it easier or harder to save money in the summer? On one hand, there is the air conditioning, the expensive vacations, and the many different activities. One the other hand, there is the opportunity to be outdoors and less of a need for lights, heat or electronic entertainment. We have been taking advantage of playing outside and going to free concerts, events and classes. What have you been doing? July 7th Frugal Living Week in Review: June 30th Through July 6th Are you enjoying your summer? If you are like me, you might already be thinking of … Continue reading

Frugal Weekend Report: Sunday, July 13th

Have you done anything frugal this weekend? I find weekends the hardest time to be frugal. There is all of this running around, the grocery shopping, the events, etc., that make spending a temptation. Are weekends harder for you to be frugal or easier? I’m sitting here enjoying some quite moments out on the porch this Sunday, reflecting on some of the frugal things that we have been doing and will do this weekend, before the pull of the day carries me away. One of the first frugal things we did was to load up one of the cars with … Continue reading

What Is Your Frugal Roadblock?

One thing that I have learned while practicing frugal living is that you just can’t do everything. I am a big advocate of choice in frugality. You do what makes sense to you. Of course, that all goes out the window when you are in the middle of a crisis. Then you must do everything that you can to get out of it. But all of us have roadblocks when it comes to frugality that prevent us from taking the next step, even though we may want to reach a new level of saving money. Perhaps it is a roadblock … Continue reading

Frugal At Home: Lancaster Trip

I have to say that I am enjoying a frugal day today after last week’s shopping spree. Yes, we do spend money just like everyone else, even though we try to be careful. Last weekend, we headed to Lancaster County, which is just a short drive from our home. We had dinner at our favorite family style Amish all-you-can eat restaurant (expensive) and balanced that with bringing lunch with us. We also played some miniature golf, a favorite of my eldest son. Normally, it might have cost us $25, but we got away with only spending $5. That is because … Continue reading

Ways to Avoid Food Waste

One sure way to reduce the amount of money you spend on food is to avoid wasting any of it. The average American wastes up to 50 percent of the food that they buy. From half-eaten sandwiches and chicken nuggets left by the kids to lettuce that wilts and leftovers that turn into science experiments, chances are that you throw some food away every day. Think about your food bill and halve it or even quarter it if you are better than average. That is how much money you are throwing away. A $200 food bill could be reduced to … Continue reading