Pets with Noise Phobias

With the Fourth of July on the horizon, this is a good time to take another look at pets with noise phobia. Some veterinarians and behaviorists believe that as many as one out of five dogs suffers from noise phobia. For some pets, reactions to noises can be mild. Perhaps they shake or hide. For others, the reactions can approach full panic. Some pets go into total panic and can hurt themselves trying to escape. Shelters can end up with lots of pets who got spooked and took off during a thunderstorm or the Fourth of July fireworks. Storms and … Continue reading

Nights of Thunder

Somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 o’clock in the morning, I was awakened by a big fat shepherd mix stepping on my head. Let me tell you — that gets me up rather quickly. Not necessarily alert, but at least I was awake. Moose was having a crisis, and I quickly figured out why — we were having a thunderstorm, complete with flashes of lightning and super loud kabooms overhead. My big fat shepherd, you see, is a big fat chicken. Normally, when he hears something that scares him, he goes to hide under the desk where I do my … Continue reading