How is Your Patience?

I suspect many of us struggle with impatience – whether it is impatience with our husband or wife, with family members or even impatience with God. On Wednesday the Sing Australia choir I belong to, went to sing at a nursing home, When I arrived fifteen minutes before the time we were due to start, a large number of people were already assembled and waiting in the hall. Our pianist had arrived and was running through a few of the songs we were to sing. This was not enough for one elderly lady. She was ready and keen for the … Continue reading

Timing Can Be Important

I do not know if I subscribe to the saying that “timing is everything”–maybe when it comes to personal relationships, but I don’t know if it ALWAYS the case when it comes to business concerns. I do, however, think that timing can be very important in operating a home-based business. I am not really talking about time management here (although we do chat about that often enough here in the Home Business blog and it is a key part of doing well in a home-based business), but more the realities of a market at any given time, the economy, the … Continue reading

Is This Really Urgent?

Yesterday, I received two separate e-mails in my inbox that had the word “Urgent” in the subject line. Neither were spam and both were work-related. Needless to say, I dug right in and responded immediately—both by telephone and e-mail. Well, it is over 24 hours later and I have not heard back from either of the urgent senders…so it leaves me wondering, what really constitutes a work or business emergency and how excited should I get? Time sensitive things and deadlines might be considered urgent, but it probably depends on the type of work a person does. I am not … Continue reading

Can We Get on the Same Time Clock, Please?

The more actual bodies that a household and family has, the tougher it is to get everyone on the same page–not to mention the same time clock! You might have thought it was hard enough when you were dating or first settling in with a partner or spouse (if you’ve got one)–adjusting to the other person’s style, mood, energy level, housekeeping standards, etc. Fast forward a few years and throw in a few children–and you’ve likely got individuals who are all headed in different directions and operating on very different time clocks. Now, while I don’t have a spouse or … Continue reading

How Important is Timing?

Do you want to know God’s timing regarding events in your life? Following on from my last blog about John the Baptist, let’s look at the importance of timing in God’s plans, Jesus’ ministry, in the lives of those who followed Jesus and in our lives. Here are eight points from Mark 1:9-20. 1. Note the importance of timing, as verse 9 is connected back to John’s testimony about Jesus and the Holy Spirit in verse 8. The events meshed together so others could see God’s hand at work and His timing. Similarly I can look at my life and … Continue reading

Week in Review: The Virtuous Wife to God’s Will

This week I shared about the Proverbs 31 woman and how we can strive to be like her, how people can open themselves to Satan’s realm by activities that involve mind submission, the parental role of a mother while she’s pregnant, and what it means to really turn your will over to God. A friend of mine recommended I write a blog on The Proverbs 31 Woman: The Virtuous Wife where I could share ways I have applied her example in my own life. It was a really neat activity to try and helped me to see where I could … Continue reading

God’s Will: On the Road of Life

While on the telephone with my aunt, she shared with me an inspirational passage from a book she’s been reading from Karen Kingsbury’s Redemption series called Reunion. The character paints this picture of turning our will over to God like being a passenger in a car and allowing God to drive. Though we might not know whether He’ll go left or right, we know in the end we’ll arrive at our destination if we let him drive. I was encouraged by the excerpt she read since it helped me put perspective on what it means to allow the will of … Continue reading

Have You Asked God?

Are you going through something in your life right now that makes you feel as though God doesn’t care about you? There have been times when I have been dealing with someone going through a personal crisis who has said something like, “God doesn’t care about me.” or, “Doesn’t God see what I’m going through?” The meaning is clear: God isn’t doing what the person thinks He should be doing. There are two reasons why a person might feel this way: 1. The person has not asked God for help. In Exodus 22:16-31, God discusses personal offenses that are committed … Continue reading

When What I Want Isn’t What God Wants

There have been times in my life when I have really set my heart on something. Sometimes it was something as small as a place I wanted to go or something I wanted to have. There have been other times when my wants have been bigger; a move to a ministry in another state, or a certain vehicle when we were in the market for a car. When I decide that I want something, I tend to latch on to it and let it consume my thoughts. I think about why I should have it and all of the wonderful … Continue reading

One Life to Live: Making the Most of Your Life

I feel like the title of my blog sums up my point. How do you make the most of every day? Forget your past for now. I want you to think about where you are currently with God. Sometimes it’s easy to let our past dictate where we are going. God is capable of meeting you right where you are at and transforming you into who He wants you to be if you’ll allow Him. If you’ve felt your life has lacked purpose or it feels like you’re lacking direction, please don’t fret. Make the decision that your life is … Continue reading