A Middle School Lesson Plan that Addresses Different Types of Learners

Through a previous series of articles, I have discussed and described various types of learners that teachers encounter in the classroom. I have also listed some ideas to help teachers reach these learners through their lessons. I have now been giving examples of lesson plans that display information presented in various forms in order to reach more children during one presentation of material. My last article detailed a lesson plan for primary grades. The lesson plan was intended to reach the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners. This article will focus on the middle school grades. I have taught both middle … Continue reading

A Primary Lesson that Addresses Different Types of Learners

In previous articles, I detailed some ideas for teaching each type of the following learner: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic. I also discussed how it is important for teachers to address each of these learners in their lessons. For this reason, my next two articles will describe two lessons that reaches all three types of learners. This article will be geared toward a primary grade level while the next article will focus more on a middle school class level. During the Christmas holiday season, my class reads the Gingerbread Man. We sequence the people or animals that the Gingerbread Man passes … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Pencils

Today, I would like to add another selection to my Tips for Teachers section. This tip comes from my personal experience in first grade and kindergarten. Primary grade teachers need as few distractions and complications as possible when it comes to teaching the children. Young children have shorter attention spans and do not need help getting off task. Therefore I choose not to allow my students to carry out particular activities that take away their attention and time from class. One such activity is sharpening pencils. Young students are completely fascinated by pencil sharpeners. They will spend a great amount … Continue reading

Tips for Teachers: Glue

Previously, I introduced a new section that I am adding to the education topic at Families.com. This section, Tips for Teachers, will highlight some tips that I have learned from experience and veteran teachers. One thing that has taken trial and error for me over the past couple of years is the purchasing of student supplies. When teaching eighth grade, supplies were not as big of a deal. However, student supplies for kindergarten students take some creativity. The supplies need to be accessible to the students and easy to use. Students should be able to use the supplies without a … Continue reading