The Options in Digital Video Recording

We were sitting around one weekend evening watching America’s Funniest Home Videos, a program that we consider a family program. The raciest part of that show might be the accidental hit to a father’s groin by a wayward baseball. The show was on at 7 p.m., a time when I imagine most kids are still awake; at least mine are. Maybe you can see where this is going. The host was about to announce the $10,000 winner when the program went to commercial. The screen went blank of a 100th of a second and then was immediately blasted with scary … Continue reading

TiVO Receiver Only $50 with activation

I hate television. Always have. However… In the past few years, it seems television has gotten better. No, I don’t mean better morally. One needs only to turn to the latest episode of “Age of Love” or “As the World Turns” to see that isn’t so. I mean better as in technologically and creatively. Though I vow not to, I get drawn into shows and want to see them out. I can’t imagine missing an episode of Heroes or Lost. (Used to be ‘24’ until they jumped the shark.) With TiVO, I don’t have to. Did I mention I love … Continue reading

Tivo For The Home, Anyone?

“It’s a bird. It’s a plane. No, it’s Tivo!” ~ Anonymous Someone of semi-importance said that once you own a Tivo, you will wonder how you ever managed to live without one. Without what? you might ask, looking like the rear end of an unsophisticated donkey, if you’re anything like me. I first heard about Tivo a year or so ago on the Oprah Winfrey Show, and had no idea that I was watching the birth not of the blues, but of a push button technological coup d’etat. Tivo users swear that the device has revolutionized their lives, altering domestic … Continue reading