Cleaning Smaller Appliances

Cleaning is an art form even if for most of us it’s not one we particularly like to do. For toasters, kettles and many of their friends and associates, kitchen cleaning kind of passes them by most of the time. Pay attention to these metallic friends and they will appreciate you more. Consider the following tips when approaching your smaller but still significant kitchen appliances. Toaster Trick Nail polish remover to the rescue! Usually a toaster is kept on a counter and has a bread bag nearby. This often means that a piece of the plastic bag melts on one … Continue reading

The Toaster In Your Home: Do You Know Where It Came From?

In the days of the Roman gladiators, toasting bread was a way to prolong its life (not the gladiator’s; the bread). In fact, the word “tostum,” from which toast derives, is actually Latin for scorching or burning. (In my house, the word would be synomous with ironing, but that’s information for another blog entirely.) In their conquests, the Romans took their love of toast with them and spread the custom as far away as Britain. Later, English colonists brought the tradition to the New World. In pre-electric times, there were a variety of methods employed to make toast. They ranged … Continue reading