Toddler Pizza Party

My preschooler loves pizza, but as a toddler she wasn’t that into chowing down on crunchy dough topped with whatever veggies I could sneak under melted cheese. Still, she loved the idea of eating with her hands (it was the taste of the pizza she despised) and happily created her own fake Italian pies in her play kitchen. Whether your toddler devours pizza by the slice or she refuses to touch it with a ten-foot pole, she’ll have a ball partaking in the following simple, age appropriate pizza-related activities: PIZZA ART An unused pizza pan can act as a great … Continue reading

Simple Ways to Bond with Your Toddler

Parenting is not rocket scientist. However, it often requires functioning on little to no sleep (unless you were blessed with one of those angel babies that zonks out at 7 p.m. and doesn’t rouse until 7 the next morning OR you were gifted with a large house and a high tolerance for demonic screaming, which made night weaning a breeze) and a LOT of patience. A well-rested mommy begets a patient mommy, and nothing makes a toddler happier than a happy mommy. Your undivided attention is all your adorable tot really wants, so find a way to make time for … Continue reading

Fun With Laundry and Towels

When I cleaned out our linen closet the other day I ended up making a huge pile of towels and sheets in the hallway. The kids laughed at the mountain of linens. I told them it used to be one of their favorite games, but they didn’t believe me. Truly though, if you have a toddler in the house, pile all the cushions, blankets, and towels together to make a mountain. They will have great fun climbing up the pile and rolling down. You can even sing mountain songs like “She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain” and “The Bear Climbed … Continue reading

Keeping Toddlers Busy in the Kitchen

There is something about late afternoon and toddlers. I’ve even heard it called the witching hour. Everyone is tired and cranky. I remember trying to fix dinner and the kids didn’t want to stay in the kitchen where I could see them. Or they wanted to help. And some nights we just didn’t have time for them to “help”. My own children are now way past the toddler stage, but I thought I’d share my favorite fun tricks from back in the day. All my boys loved stirring a handful of cheerios in a large mixing bowl. Sometimes I even … Continue reading

Finger Play Fun

The other day I was playing with a friend’s preschooler. He started doing a finger play about bees that I used to play with my children. Sadly, our days of finger plays are long past. But I remember using them to occupy toddlers and preschoolers at restaurants, doctor offices, and while riding in the car on trips. Since then I’ve learned that games like these actually help children with auditory skills, rhyming skills, and story prediction. All of which will help them learn how to read when they are older. Who would have known? I thought I was just having … Continue reading