A Rather Mundane Life

Sometimes I am stunned by the absolutely mundane nature of my child-raising problems. Today it’s pull-ups. You see, due to the great wonders of elimination communication, my daughter has been using the toilet during the day time for ages. However, we have had no such success at night, and attempts to wake her to go to the bathroom have resulted in an irritable child, an irritable parent, and no success in the realm of night time toilet training. As a child, I had huge difficulties getting up to use the toilet at night, mostly due to an extreme fear of … Continue reading

Six Steps to Potty Train Your Special Needs Child

More than eight years ago, my family was at a San Diego Padres game, and my son had soiled his diaper. I took him by the hand and we walked up the stairs of the stadium toward the closest restroom. Inside, I lifted his heavy body onto the courtesy changing table. His feet dangled off the edge. “Isn’t your kid a bit old?” Women entering the bathroom eyed me with a bit of scorn. They seemed to say, “Isn’t your kid a bit old for diapers?” Especially since there is no characteristic “look” that distinguishes an autistic child, Kyle appeared … Continue reading