Disney’s New “House of the Future”

Disney’s House of the Future (see photo) opened in 1957 at Disneyland in California. It was a Jetsons style, plastic, pod shaped home that had such exciting futuristic things as hands free phones, wall-sized televisions, plastic chairs, and electric razors and toothbrushes. The future eventually comes and so this House of the Future was closed in 1967. (It was so sturdy that wrecking balls bounced off it when Disney tore it down. Considering our recent weather patterns, this may be the kind of house that people in tornado alley and hurricane areas need to build. Would someone please let Brad … Continue reading

Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow

Did you know that is what Epcot means? We forget sometimes that E.P.C.O.T. is an acronym and not just a name. 25 years ago, Epcot was opened. The original plan for this area was not necessarily an amusement park, but rather as a city of its own. The idea was to be a modern utopia designed much around the idea of the Tomorrowland Transit Authority and more. Walt’s original plan would create a downtown that was always indoors. This way the weather was always perfect – no matter if a hurricane was blowing in from outside. There would also be … Continue reading