Scrapbooking Week in Review for December 3-9, 2007

It has been a great week being back at after my long vacation. I missed it and came up with many great articles while I was taking the time off. If there is anything you are wanting information on, or would like to see, I hope that you will contact me either by leaving a comment below or on any article. You can also contact me by sending me a private message which you can do by going to my personal my site and clicking on ‘Send Private Message’ I cannot believe that Christmas is upon us and that … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review for September 10-16, 2007

The weather changed drastically here over the past week, and we even had to pull out the fall clothing. It was fun, and I enjoy this weather because it means a much more comfortable outside experience. Plus, the fall and winter months seem to save us money, and I am on a mission to figure out why. Here is what we have been up to in the frugal living blog this week. Frugal Seasonal Clothing Switch This weekend is the weekend where we pull out the fall clothing and pack away the tank tops and flip flops. It is always … Continue reading