Imaginative Ways to Save

Well, I can’t really take credit for these ideas. My little girl gets all the credit. We weren’t even trying to be frugal; she just decided that certain things around the house would make cool toys. While I’m not big on collecting more junk, she has had hours of fun with some of the simplest things, and with four kids I’m certainly not going to complain about free “toys.” Toy Food My youngest has a play kitchen that has been handed down by way of three older sisters. She also has lots of toy food and dishes to go with … Continue reading

Make it Out of Macaroni

Macaroni is a very versatile craft item. You can use different types of macaroni for different projects. A common, yet still fun project is making jewelry from elbow macaroni. Elbow noodles are very simple to string together so they are the perfect type for making bracelets, necklaces, and anklets. Wagon wheel and bowtie pasta are also cool for making projects. You can paint uncooked macaroni with Tempera or other quick dry craft paints and glue them to construction paper, poster board, felt, and paper plates. When making a mask, wagon wheels make good eyes, and elbow macaroni makes great eyebrows … Continue reading