Ask a Marriage Blogger: Isn’t Advocating for Gay Marriage Out of Line?

Your recent blog regarding gay marriage made it very clear that you advocate for gay marriage and that anyone who disagrees with that is prejudiced or a bigot. You write about how to take care and protect and strengthen your marriage and then you endorse a lifestyle that attacks marriage and wants to destroy it. Why? Isn’t this a site that promotes traditional family values? How is gay marriage promoting traditional values? Should you be ashamed of giving so much coverage to this issue? These are just two of the notes that I have received in the last week since … Continue reading

Muslim Dating — Or Not!

Muslims do not (or at least, should not) date. Most people are a bit surprised when I tell them that. Then they inevitably jump to the conclusion that Muslims have arranged marriages. They picture two complete strangers meeting for the first time on their wedding day. While there are some Muslims who do have arranged marriages, that is not at all the norm. [h]Half of the Religion[/h] Muslims place a great deal of importance on marriage. In fact, marriage is considered half of the religion, meaning that all Muslims who are able to marry should get married. Once a Muslim … Continue reading