Trans Fat, Fast Foods, Truth in Advertising and Responsibility

I have been avoiding this topic like the plague. However, I love food and I love to write about it. The ban on trans fat in New York City as well as other proposed legislation is hot button issue in food right now. Frankly, I long for a simpler time when food was just there for eating but such is the case no longer. You may have heard that New York City banned trans fat in all its restaurants. Eateries have until July of 2008 to get rid of the artery clogging substance. My opinion? This is a good move. … Continue reading

Health-Conscious Hotels

In previous blogs I told you about how several major hotel chains including Marriott and Westin have gone nonsmoking. In addition, I’ve discussed how some hotels have implemented more rigorous cleaning procedures to combat germs. Now it seems at least one major hotel chain is taking their guests’ health concerns to a new level. Loews Hotels has just announced that they will be following the lead of a growing number of fast-food chains and the city of New York — it will ban artificial trans fats in food it offers. They make history by becoming the first hotel chain to … Continue reading

KFC Finally Trans Fat Free

KFC has announced it is making the switch to trans-fat free cooking oil. My question then is: what took them so long? Trans fats have since long been known for their harmful effects. For one, trans fat raise bad cholesterol levels while also lowering good cholesterol in the process. This fact has been known for a number of years now, and it is interesting that KFC only made the switch now. Only after their own customers pressed for it, may I add. Just requesting a change from KFC was apparently not enough; the Center for Science in the Public Interest, … Continue reading