What to Do with Trash

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, we Americans produce approximately 220 million tons of garbage each year. In case you were wondering, that is enough trash to cover the entire state of Texas – twice! It is estimated that each of us produce, on average, about four pounds of garbage each day. That’s about all the statistics I am going to go into because math hurts my head, but let’s just say, we have tons of trash. Of course, you can use some of it to make compost, but, you can turn some of your other trash into useful items … Continue reading

Smaller Garbage Equals More Money

We have been smug. I admit it. When we look at all of the garbage that our neighbors have out, we tend to feel that we are on the right track. This is because we know that the smaller our garbage is then the less money we are spending. While the neighbors can have three or more extra large trash cans a week, we have trouble just filling up half of our can per week. Once we are past disposable diapers (we just don’t want to do cloth), we may even cut that little bit in half. There are so … Continue reading

Attack of the Stinky Trash Monster

“It creeps upstairs, alone or in pairs, what’s that horrible smell? A thing, a thing, a horrendous thing, everyone knows it’s stinky.” Does the stinky trash monster live at your house? Here is an account of my ongoing battle with this beast, and all of the ways I try to conquer it. In my home, the stinky trash monster sits there innocently in the kitchen, waiting to turn on me and let its presence be known to one and all. Usually, it does its work in the middle of the night or while our family has been out of the … Continue reading

Picking Our Own Trash

Some times sweating the small stuff can add up. It all depends on your circumstances and your level of frugality. Here is one of the things that we have done this past week that could be considered frugal. We keep a large, lined, garbage can down in the basement. In this can goes dryer lint, burnt out light bulbs, and various home improvement trash. Basically, anything that isn’t food gets thrown in this garbage can. Every once in a while, when the can is looking full, I’ll go and raid it while I am waiting for the washer to fill … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash 3

We are on a mission to reduce the amount of trash that exits our homes. With just a few changes in our lives, we can affect the amount of garbage that our families contribute to the landfills, and as a result, also save money. If you missed the earlier articles in this series, you can find them here: Reducing Your Trash and Reducing Your Trash 2. And now, here are some more ways to reduce your trash. Stay away from convenience foods, which have a lot of extra packaging. Pre-prepared food is generally less healthy for you than food that … Continue reading

Reducing Your Trash

Reducing the amount of trash that your household generates is important for the planet and your family. By reducing the amount you waste, you can save money (if you pay per bag or pound of disposal) and do something good for the environment. Here are some ideas to help you reduce your garbage. Leave the plastic grocery bags at the store. Bring your own canvas bags. Sure, you can buy them, but you can also get plenty of them free as giveaways through various promotions, if you keep your eyes open. If you must take your groceries home in store … Continue reading

Celebrity Updates: Hilton’s Trash and a New Addition to the Royal Family

In a previous blog I wrote about the outrageous appeal of Paris Hilton. The just freed jailbird’s popularity was tested and further proved during a recent eBay auction. A couple of jokesters from the website HollywoodStarTrash.com rummaged through the celebutante’s garbage and put a few items on eBay. The results are now in and they may surprise you. An empty container of gourmet dog food taken from Hilton’s trash fetched $305 in the online auction, which wrapped up this weekend. In addition, a used toothbrush sold for $305; two envelopes sent the hotel heiress while she was in jail sold … Continue reading

Hilton’s Trash Is Another Man’s Treasure

Just when I thought I had written my last Paris Hilton blog (hold your applause) I get word that the world has stopped revolving and people have actually gone mad… all because of Paris Hilton… or at least Paris Hilton’s trash. Allow me to explain. A while back a couple of jokesters from the website HollywoodTrash.com rummaged through the hotel heiress’ trash and placed their finds on eBay. Some of the items that were recovered from the socialite’s garbage include a used toothbrush, an autographed postcard and a fan letter to the reality TV star. All of the aforementioned items … Continue reading

The King Of Trash

You’ve heard the saying: “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.” Well, there’s a man in New York who says trash is not only his treasure, it’s his passion. He calls himself a “trash artist” and, well, he certainly lives in the perfect city to hone his craft. Garbage piled along the curbside, old furniture, discarded cigarette butts everywhere you look – let’s face it, New York City can be a filthy place. And Justin Gignac is right at home. The 26-year-old spends his evenings collecting garbage, neatly packing the refuse into clear plastic cubes and selling them on his … Continue reading

Boy Oh Boy George!

Boy, I’m glad I’m not Boy George—for many reasons, including the one that is the subject of this blog. The 45-year-old singer is being forced to do something that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy… picking up trash on the streets of New York City in oppressively hot summer temperatures. (For the record, it’s not the trash collecting that bothers me, it’s having to walk around a concrete jungle in the scorching heat that would kill me.) Obviously, the former Culture Club singer isn’t doing it by choice. Rather, the “punishment” is part of a court-ordered community service project … Continue reading