Travelers Score in Denver

And you thought China was the only place you could find a polite cab driver these days. Etiquette 101 has moved to Denver, Colorado… just in time for the Democratic National Convention. The political extravaganza kicks off in the Mile-High City on August 25th and the Denver Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau is doing everything it can to spruce up the place before millions of visitors converge on the area. As the clock ticks down to the start of the convention the tourism group is madly trying to complete training of more than 2,500 taxi drivers, front-desk hotel employees, restaurant … Continue reading

Traveling With An iPod

I’ve touched on this subject in previous blogs. If you are traveling solo on mass transit, nothing beats having an iPod and a few hundred of your favorite tunes to keep you company. Look around the next time you are on a plane, train or bus and I bet you’ll see more travelers with iPods than without them. Major airlines have picked up on the trend and as I mentioned in a previous blog, they are accommodating their high-tech music fans by installing iPod connections in their in-flight entertainment systems. So chock one up for all the travelers who bring … Continue reading