Spring Break Travel Tips

My college co-ed cousins go on spring break next week. (They will be sunning it up in a tropical location while I sit here shedding tears on my fading tan.) Typically, college students make up round one of the revolving door of spring breakers who collectively crowd the nation’s highways, beaches, and skies this time of year. If you plan to spend the spring recess journeying to sunny (or snowy) destinations on a much-needed family vacation, consider keeping some of my favorite tips in mind: Do Your Homework. Does anyone dare enter the Magic Kingdom without a plan? Don’t answer … Continue reading

ShoeScanners and Toddlers

Recently, I’ve done alot of bragging about what a wonderful little traveler my toddler daughter is… well, now it’s confession time. There is a part of flying that she absolutely dreads—-removing her shoes at airport security. I’m not exactly sure what causes her such distress (on our recent trip to Hawaii she screamed each time we had to deposit her shoes into the plastic bin and watch them travel through the X-ray machine). We don’t wear shoes in our home—maybe that’s it. Whatever the reason, she had an absolute fit in three different airports. I’m sure the TSA agents there … Continue reading