Benefits of Treadmills and Elliptical Exercisers

Going to the gym is not my thing.  And I always crack up whenever I drive past the clubs with the large windows, where you can see people walking on treadmills. For some reason, sweating seems like something that should be done in private.  But maybe that’s just me. At the same time, I’m not the type of person to fork out a lot of money on gym equipment.  Especially if there is the chance I won’t stick to it.  But a few years ago I made a worthwhile investment when I purchased a treadmill. Notice that I didn’t say … Continue reading

How Treadmills are Helping Babies with Down Syndrome

You may never look at your treadmill the same way again… According to new study, placing infants with Down syndrome on a treadmill for just a few minutes per day can help them walk up to four or five months earlier than with only traditional physical therapy. Researchers at the University of Michigan say the landmark study also suggests that infants who do high intensity treadmill training may walk even sooner. “The key is if we can get them to walk earlier and better then they can explore their environment earlier and when you start to explore, you learn about … Continue reading

Wow — Is it 2008 already?

January 1, 2008. January 1, 2008. January 1, 2008. Can it really be 2008 already? Seriously? Yep. Here we are. It is 2008, in Hollywood, the writer’s strike continues at full swing and my daily viewing for my workouts is severely hampered. Closer to home, my little girl turned 7 and my husband and I celebrated 8 years of marriage and we’re looking 12 years together total. 2007 was the Year of a Million Dreams at Disney. It was the year of overexposure for Paris and Britney. 2007 started out with my husband recovering from an emergency appendectomy and I … Continue reading

Indoor Workouts

It’s summer out there and let me tell you, it’s here hot and sticky. The temperatures are soaring up into the 90s and the air is so thick, you could cut it with a knife. The last thing I want to do is go out and try to power walk in hot, sultry soup – so let’s take a look at some indoor workouts we can do. Walking is the Number 1 Choice I read a study yesterday that stated walking is the number 1 choice, by far, for most individuals. This is hardly surprising. On another website, a poll … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action: Week 4, Day 2: Happy May Day!

Welcome to the first day of May here in the Fitness Blog as we count down the last week of our Spring Forward to Action Challenge. How are you doing with your workout? As I described yesterday, I’m feeling pretty great about my workout. Today is a strength-training day and I’ll make use of my free weights and my balance ball. Balance Balls Are Great For Core Workouts They allow you to focus on key muscle groups and provide you with strong support. Performing crunches, sit-ups, and 7-7-7s with the balance ball is straightforward and easy enough to do. When … Continue reading

Consider Refurbished Equipment

When it comes to setting up your home gym or a community gym as part of a homeowner’s project, you may consider investing into refurbished equipment. Refurbished equipment provides you with health club quality gym equipment at a fraction of the price. Let’s be honest, commercial equipment is designed to be used by hundreds of people on a daily basis. So you may not necessarily need commercial quality equipment for your home gym. However, if you were setting up a gym in your local community center or in your garage – the price of refurbished equipment may make it far … Continue reading

So you want to buy a treadmill …

… and you have a lot of questions. Good. Here comes my attempt to help you sort out what your options are and how you can make your decision making a little easier. We talked a couple of days ago about Setting Up A Home Gym. Today we’re going to narrow the focus of our discussion and talk about shopping for a treadmill. If you are anything like me, when you first considered buying a treadmill, few brand names probably leapt to mind. You may also think that treadmills are pretty much alike, so it may be hard to decide … Continue reading