11 Things Some Adoptive Parents Would Like Birth Family by State Adoption to Know

Below is a list of things that some parents by adoption, as well as I have come up with and wish for our children’s birth parents and birth family to know: I love my children no differently than I would if I’d given birth to them myself. We have vowed to give our children the best we can possibly provide. We value many special characteristics that are a result of genetics and not by anything we could have given our children. We will not paint you in a bad light to our children. Having not been a birthparent, I can’t … Continue reading

More Personal Records Checklist

There are still even more documents and records you can check for possible information on your adoption or leads on finding the person. Requesting the information is easy and the worst part is just the waiting game. Everything takes time and many of these agencies just their sweet time about everything. I found that being patient, however difficult it seemed to be, was the only way to get through all of the search. Several of these resources require you to have information about the person that you might not already have. Just be patient and remember it’s an avenue you … Continue reading