Do You Offer a Free Trial Period?

We have talked a little bit about guarantees here in the Home Business blog and how they can help with sales and customer service, but some businesses find that offering a trial period in which the customer can “try out” the product or service to see if they are satisfied to be an advantage. With a trial period, the customer gets the product in their home, or experiences the service, and then can return it for a refund if not completely satisfied. This can be a way to boost sales and improve customer service, but it takes management and some … Continue reading

Called to…Be Tried?

Have you ever had a calling where everything seemed to line up against you? I mentioned earlier in the month that I had recently been asked to serve as second counselor in the Relief Society presidency. Since I accepted the calling, everything has seemed to go completely wrong. Just getting through simple tasks seems to require Herculian effort. We’ve had car problems – including totaling a van I brought along on a trip so I could attend a presidency meeting. We’ve had communication problems. We’ve had whoops-did-I-do-that problems. On the worst day thus far, I not only wound up in … Continue reading

Count Your Blessings

Pardon me if I’m a bit shaken up; we totaled our van only a few hours ago. The good news, of course, is that no one was hurt. In fact, no one was in the van. We were towing it behind our truck when we hit an icy patch in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Suddenly, the van was fishtailing, causing our truck to fishtail. Ultimately, after hitting the guard rail several times, the van broke free, apparently flipped over, and wound up with the back end on top of the guard rail. When we finally stopped spinning, my husband glanced … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Why Does God Let Tragedies Happen?

After my daughter started crawling, I had to resist the urge to rescue her all the time. This proved significantly harder with her than with the other two because she was the first. When she slipped, when she fell, when she strained for something just out of reach, my maternal instincts screamed for me to rush to her aid. Over and over again, I repeated to myself that she needed these slipups, these errors, these trials to grow and develop. After all, if I held her hand every step of the way, she would never learn to walk on her … Continue reading

The Fight for Isaiah, Round Four

As we moved closer to the day that a decision had to be made about Isaiah, Lola was talking more and more like she was assuming that she would retain her parental rights. Her drug rehab counselors were giving her pep talks and her lawyer was apparently encouraging her. She would talk about these things in front of me as if I was disinterested in what was happening. Some of her talk was clearly fantasy. For instance, she told me that she was going to be trained to be an ultrasound technician for a hospital. She had not finished high … Continue reading

Trials of Faith: Trial by Fire

God can take the trials of our lives and turn them into glory for Him if we will allow it. When going through difficult times, I try to look at the situation as a refining of my faith. I know God didn’t make the trial happen, but that He can use it to show me that He is in control because He is God. Taking a look at 1 Peter 4:12-13: “Beloved, do not thing it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that … Continue reading

Trials and Faith: The Storm

One of my favorite Bible stories is the one about Peter in the storm. I can relate so much to this story. Here’s an overview of what happens in Matthew 14:22-33: Jesus’ disciples were in a boat at night during a storm in the midst of the sea. While straining to row, Jesus appeared to them walking on the water. The men were frightened at first wondering if they were looking at a ghost. But Jesus told them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Peter tested the Lord by suggesting, if it is really Him, … Continue reading

Trials and Faith: Why is This Happening?

In preparing to wrap up my series of Trials and Faith, I receive and email from a long time best-friend. It was a heartfelt prayer request for her friend’s family. This urgent request inspired me to write this blog and release it now rather than later. The prayer request was regarding a little boy who is now 3 who’d had brain cancer. He’d gone through at least radiation treatment, only to find out recently, his cancer returned. It was told to me that he will not be able to have any further radiation treatment and the type of cancer he … Continue reading