Frugal Moving Tips (2)

Continuing the article from yesterday, I’d like to offer still more frugal tips for moving. Between lifting and hauling, sorting and moving items, any moving day activity is exhausting, time consuming and can be expensive. By following the different tips I’ve offered, you could save quite a bit of money by the end! Use Containers Forget the boxes and packing tape, you might already have some items you can use for storage and moving. If you are like me, you might have several containers already in your home and since they come with lids, you save on boxes and tape! … Continue reading

Frugal Moving Tips (1)

Not only is moving one of the most exhausting things to do, but it can be very expensive too. While I cannot exactly help with how exhausted you’ll be, I can certainly try to give you some pointers on saving money along the way. Moving day is always exceptionally hard on anyone, but often it’s the day’s leading to it that can be the most trying. Between all the packing, rentals, and more – it’s just too much. Here are some great tips on saving on the basics – packing supplies. They are usually a required part of moving and … Continue reading