Elephant Anatomy Facts

My new fascination with elephants continues. Here are some interesting things I’ve learned about elephant anatomy! The trunk is pretty amazing. It is actually an extension of the upper lip of the elephant. The shape and length varies from one elephant to another — some have trunks that reach the ground and some don’t. The tip of the trunk is a very sensitive organ that is used much like humans use their hands. The trunk is used for picking up objects but is also used for breathing, sucking up water, and spraying water to cool the body. Imagine if you … Continue reading

The Dangers of “Trunking”

As if parents of teen drivers don’t have enough to worry about, a startling new trend has emerged that is causing an uproar in many families. It’s called “trunking.” Police say the practice was created by teenage drivers as a way to get around the new graduated license laws that ban new drivers from having other minors in the car. Rather than having their peers ride in the backseat, teen drivers are having their friends ride in the trunk. According to the National Transportation Council, the graduated license laws work in conjunction with the idea that restricting teenage passengers reduces … Continue reading

What’s In Your Trunk–Part 2

In “What’s In Your Trunk—Part 1,” I relayed advice I received from an organization “guru” (a.k.a. my neat-freak friend, Eric), regarding organizing the contents of my vehicle’s trunk. Part one dealt with what essential items should be stored in a trunk. Part two will deal with how to fit the “essentials” along with everyday items (for example, I have a toddler, so I store a stroller and spare diaper bag in my trunk) without having to hitch a trailer on your vehicle to accommodate everything. And with summer just around the corner, this blog will also provide a few tips … Continue reading

What’s In Your Trunk?

When was the last time you took a good look at the items in the trunk of your car? The other day I opened my trunk to retrieve my daughter’s stroller. I struggled to get it out as it was lodged in between a toolbox, an extra diaper bag, and some rather large winter boots. After working through the aggravation of prying the stroller free (and in the process unloading half the contents of my trunk), I decided enough was enough… it was time to get organized. I enlisted the help of my friend (and former colleague), Eric. Eric is … Continue reading