When a Child Refuses to Try

“Well, as long as you try—that is what is important!” How many times has a phrase like this been uttered by parents? If you are the type of parent who likes to focus on the process and on trying and attempting, instead of on outcome, it can be incredibly frustrating when a child refuses to try or claims constantly “I can’t do it!” It is common for toddlers and young children to go through a phase where they try to get someone else to do things for them or they claim that they just can’t do something. There are also … Continue reading

“I’m Trying!” (When They Really Are)

Recently one of my kids has been going through a tough time—all of the changes and transitions that she is going through right now have really thrown her into a tailspin. As I encourage and urge her and try to let her know that she really is doing fabulously as she works through all of these changes, she often answers with the gloomy, “I’m trying.” The fact is, even if she doesn’t see the results yet, she really is trying and that is all anyone can ask of her anyway! As parents, we can support our kids when they are … Continue reading