Turkey Fryer Safety Tips

Turkey fryers have grown dramatically in popularity, but some consumer organizations are not happy about it. Turkey fryers can create some of the most sumptuous meals, but they can also be highly dangerous. They can cause severe burns and fires if not used with the utmost care. Follow these safety tips to make sure your experience is a good one: 1. Make sure to read all the manufacturer’s instructions completely. 2. Make sure the turkey fryer is assembled properly. 3. Use your turkey fryer outdoors only. 4. The turkey fryer must be set up level and must be in a … Continue reading

Do You Do Fried Turkey?

Fried turkey might sound a little strange to some people if they have never tried it. The first time I heard about it, I pictured something similar to friend chicken, but with giant pieces of meat, such as enormous drumsticks. It didn’t seem too appealing. Now, don’t think I’m too silly, because this was before the raging popularity of turkey fryers. My father in law would cut up turkey into chunks, bread it and cook it in the deep fryer. He had a Fry Daddy home fryer and used peanut oil, and it was delicious. It would stay nice and … Continue reading