“Tweens”—Are They BIG “Little Kids” or Mini-teenagers?

This term “Tween” is relatively new—I think it started as a marketing term for those pre-teenagers who are considered such a huge target market for everything from Mary Kate and Ashley videos to Hannah Montana concerts. But, for a parent, are there special considerations that come with parenting teens. Should they be treated like big “little kids” or more like little teenagers? For many of us who have been through it, it usually seems like a little of both… For me, it seemed like things started getting a little kooky at the age of 9—looking back, that was when I … Continue reading

How Well Are Your Kids Coping With Life?

Have you ever wondered how well your kids are coping with life? In a poll by Harris Interactive, for Family Circle, teens, tweens and mothers of tweens and teens were surveyed, with some interesting answers. Here are some highlights of the survey: (1) 91% of kids would rather talk face-to-face with their parents. (2) 34% of kids wish their parents wouldn’t get mad at them as much. (3) 70% of those surveyed said they are happy with how much attention parents give them. (4) 9% of kids said they spent too much time with their parents. (5) 92% of mothers … Continue reading