Straight Talk for Potential Two Timers

You know if this article is for you or not, and if it is, be prepared for straight talk. If you are looking for excuses or validation, you won’t get it from me. It wouldn’t be helpful or honest. In fact, it would be as unfair to you as it would be to your family. Straight talk or tough love is more beneficial because it is honest even if unpopular, and I’m known for being pretty straightforward. So, let’s get down to it. If you cheat on your husband or wife, or are simply thinking about doing so, you won’t … Continue reading

Marriage Two-Timers: Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Sherry’s been doing a great series on affairs, separation and how to cope with the aftermath of the emotional and physical betrayals. But what we don’t talk about often is when the affair is much more than that – what if you found out your spouse maintained an entirely separate life from you? In the category of truth is stranger than fiction: Reverend Henry Lyons The Reverend was the leader of the National Baptist Convention from 1994 to 199. In 1997, his wife was charged in the burning of a mansion on the waterfront in St. Petersburg, Florida. The Reverend … Continue reading