A Type II Diabetes Journey: The Chicken or the Egg?

My diabetic education specialist says that people don’t get diabetes because they’re fat; they get fat because they’re diabetic. This would be a lot easier to swallow if it wasn’t coming from someone who weighs 350 lbs. Is the diabetes due to the fat or is the fat due to the diabetes? Yes, to both questions. That may seem a contradiction, but the truth is that each contributes to the other. I’m fat because I’m diabetic, and I’m diabetic because I’m fat. Not all fat people will get diabetes. Genetics definitely plays a role. I’m going to go out on … Continue reading

Diabetes & Exercise

When you are talking about diabetes there are two different types. Type I is the one associated with insulin injections because the pancreas does not make enough. Type II is also known as adult onset diabetes. People diagnosed with type II diabetes are often prescribed with exercise and weight control as a way to help you with your insulin resistance. Type II risk factors include: · Inactivity · Obesity · Hypertension · High Cholesterol It’s important to note that you do not need all four of these behaviors to be at risk for Type II diabetes. Inactivity alone is a … Continue reading