Are You Giving Affection and Support Conditionally?

Unconditionally love—we all know that this is at the root of good parenting. We know intellectually that our children need to feel our unconditional love regardless of what is going on but in the world of the single parent, we may get so wrapped up in some of the trials and challenges of every day life, that we start to use the withholding of love and affection as a way to try to motivate and manipulate our children. Yesterday I wrote about how we need to watch out for using manipulation and controlling behaviors to try to get our kids … Continue reading

Sometimes, They Just Need a Witness

I find with my children that sometimes they need very tangible things from me: they need me to cook for them or make sure the bills get paid or they need me to buy them new shoes or make sure they get to the dentist. Other times, however, what my children need from me is for me to simply be there, be available and be a witness to the trials, joys and realities of their lives. I actually think that we all often just need someone to witness our lives. Perhaps that is what drives us to establish friendships, stay … Continue reading