Baby Prefers Mommy, What’s a Dad to Do?

Every parent goes through this struggle, Dads and Moms alike, so here’s the first thing to remember. Most moms are the baby’s primary care giver and they will develop a different type of bond with their baby than you will have. This is perfectly normal and it has to do with the fact that the primary care giver is there morning, noon and night – they get up in the middle of the night, they spend the majority of their waking hours with this person (whether it’s mom or dad). This doesn’t lessen the bond that baby feels for their … Continue reading

Bonding with Baby

We read lots of books and watch lots of movies and we hear a lot about the bond between a parent and their child. What is this bond? How does it affect us? Why do we bond with our babies? What if we never bond with our baby? Is it okay if you don’t like newborns? My husband’s grandmother had 8 children. She didn’t like newborns, but she loved her children. My own grandmother didn’t care for newborns too much. They were work. They needed to have everything done for them, but she did love kids. So if they didn’t … Continue reading