Some Attention Needs to be Undivided

With three kids, one mom, two-plus jobs, and a multitude of other daily realities, there is not a lot of my attention that is clear and focused. While my kids have gotten used to sharing me and dealing with the constant juggling, I have also had to learn that I HAVE to settle down and pay attention to them without the distractions. Sometimes it still hurts their feelings if the phone rings during an impromptu heart-to-heart and they don’t always want to “go along” with me while I run errands in order to talk with me. As single parents, we … Continue reading

Monday Morning Parenting Tips

I’m sure you’ve probably heard the expression “Kids don’t come with an instruction manual.” And if you have been a parent, even for a short time, you will agree that it can be one of the hardest jobs around. Fortunately there’s no shortage of help available for harried parents. In yesterday’s Times-Tribune, a few helpful tips were offered including: (1) Use GEMS (Genuine Encounter Moments)– A child’s self-esteem is influenced by the quality of time spent with their parents not the amount of time. Because a lot of parents are busy they don’t get to spend time with their kids. … Continue reading