Saturday Layout Challenge: Beyond the Favorites

This layout challenge really has me motivated this week. I have spent the past several months playing around a little in my scrapbooking. I am hoping that these ideas will get you motivated to try some new things too. Today’s Challenge: Your layout challenge for this week is to go beyond the traditional favorites list and look at specifics in your life. For instance, the question has been posed “What is your favorite thing to wear?” Go beyond the normal answer of perhaps “jeans and a t-shirt”, and showcase your favorite pair of shoes, your favorite t-shirt, your favorite hair … Continue reading

The Imperfect Scrapbook Life

Scrapbooking is such a great creative outlet. In fact, most scrapbookers are very happy and calm when they are creating layouts to record their wonderful memories. And why shouldn’t they be? Our scrapbook albums are typically filled with beautifully designed layouts, amazing photographs that almost look professional, thanks largely to some very strategic cropping, and some wonderful, perfect, happy memories. Except, that is not all that our lives hold. Not every day is full of beauty, not every photograph comes out looking totally perfect and certainly not every person has nothing but wonderful, happy memories. It is just not possible. … Continue reading