God Can’t Use Me

Have you ever wondered how you be used by God? Sometimes we hear people say God couldn’t use me. I’m not clever enough or strong enough or good enough or powerful or able to talk well enough to be used by God or I’m too old. As a matter of fact that last one was one of the excuses Moses threw back at God, when God called him to go back to Egypt and lead his people out, Genesis 6:30. I’ve been reading ‘Living Water’ by Brother Yun. Brother Yun is a Chinese preacher and evangelist who has spent year … Continue reading

The Way Out From Dangerous Paths

Yesterday we looked at the gravity with which God views astrology, sorcery, fortunetelling and such. Does that mean God can never bring a person out of such a background? No it does not! Like any other sin, God will forgive if the person truly repents and puts their trust in the Lord Jesus. The bible sites an example in Acts 16:16 where Paul, in the name of Jesus, rescued a slave girl from the practice of divination and fortunetelling, Acts 16:16-18 More recently it was the case in Australia, where God rescued Merryanne Sumner from new age practices that included … Continue reading