Vaccines Not the Cause of Autism, Rules the Court

There is a lot of debate out there whether or not to vaccinate children. Some folks are big believers in vaccines (such as myself), while others fear them and a possible link to autism. Whichever side of the issue you are on, you’ll want to make note of this news. A special court ruled yesterday that there is no reason to blame shots on children’s autism, siting years of scientific evidence that showed no increase risk of autism from receiving vaccination. The special court, made up of special masters that serve on the U.S. Court of Claims, received evidence from … Continue reading

Why Vaccinations May Fail

I’m a big fan of vaccinating pets. Immunization has successfully prevented disease in millions of pets for years. But once in a while, a vaccine doesn’t work for a particular animal. Vaccine failure is pretty rare, but it can happen. Here are a few reasons why: Different strains of the same disease. Most of the time, the strain of a disease used in a vaccine protects your pet against other strains of the same disease. Sometimes, a new strain evolves that is resistant to the vaccine. (Drug-resistant diseases are a problem for humans, too.) The vaccine was spoiled. Many vaccines … Continue reading

Guide to the Rotavirus Vaccine

When it comes to your baby, I am of the mindset that the more information you have at hand, the better chance you have of making the right decision for your baby. Immunization is a highly debated topic among some. Many parents choose not to vaccinate and are trying to enact laws that make it illegal for a child to be refused private daycare because of lack of immunization. Other parents believe wholeheartedly in the power of vaccinations to protect children from potentially fatal diseases and oppose measures that would allow non-vaccinated children to be enrolled in private day care … Continue reading

New Five-in-One Vaccine Approved

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new combination vaccine for children. The combination vaccine covers five different diseases — and could reduce the number of shots needed for infants by as much as a third. The combination vaccine is known as Pentacel and is manufactured by Sanofi Pasteur. It is a four-dose vaccine series that protects against five different diseases: Diphtheria Tetanus Whooping cough (also known as pertussis) Polio Influenza type B Pentacel is safe for children two months of age and older. Most childhood vaccines are completed before the age of eighteen months. The U.S. Food … Continue reading

Vaccines That Grown-Ups May Miss

Immunization isn’t just for childhood. In fact, immunization experts at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control say that some childhood vaccines may not last a lifetime. Here are a few vaccinations that may need a booster. Tetanus — you should be getting a tetanus booster every year. Now you also have the option of extra protection in the form of the Tdap booster, which also includes protection against whooping cough and diphtheria. Pertussis (whooping cough) has been making a comeback over the last twenty years — more than twenty-five thousand cases were reported in the U.S. in 2005. CDC experts … Continue reading