Getting Out the “Stinkies”

A friend of mine goes through at least three lunch bags a year for her son. each time, the reusable lunch bag gets a bad case of the stinkies. Not matter how she washed it, she can’t seem to remove the odor. She has even tried using the old established products, such as baking soda solutions and bleach, but nothing works. I’m so glad that she confessed that it is just easier for her to throw a perfectly good lunch bag out, because I have the perfect solution for her, and she already has the product in her home. She’ll … Continue reading

Essential Oils: Vanilla

It is the sweet, dreamy, warm scent of baking. Check your cabinets; you may have vanilla extract in the house from the last time you made a batch of cookies. Vanilla essential is slightly different from that vanilla extract, although they do come from the same place. Vanilla plantifolia is a climbing orchid with white or yellow-green flowers that is grown in Central America, Mexico, East Africa, and Indonesia — but the plant itself does not contain the essential oil. The oil comes from the vanilla beans: long, green pods filled with tiny seeds. The pods are fermented over the … Continue reading